Erasmus + Transnational Project Meeting and Training in Budapest
​28th June - 1th July The meeting was hosted by Lauder School.
​Erasmus + Multiplier Event Freie Waldorfschule, Graz
Eva Ulbrich

Erasmus + Multiplier Event Csík Ferenc School, Budapest
Ildiko Szarvas, Aliz Szirtes
​Erasmus + Transnational Project Meeting and Training in Linz
First meeting in person after the pandemics, 26th-30th April, hosted by JKU

​Logifaces Erasmus+ Innolab Lauder School
​Multiplier Event Erasmus + LOGIFACES concrete casting with De Toledo High School group (Los Angeles)
Ildikó Szarvas, Aliz Szirtes, Daniel Lakos, Eszter Losonczi

​Logifaces Erasmus+ multiplier event at University of Lapland, Finland
Kristof Fenyvesi
HARPPI, Maunula Math Fest 2021
Experience Workshop’s Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Maths Creative Hub on 13.11.2021 at the HARPPI festival in Helsinki’s Maunula High School.

STEM Science Virtual Seminar Tallin
Course on Joyful Learning in Mathematics Education for Junior High School Teachers 2021
SEAQIM - Indonesia
Kristof Fenyvesi

Natalija Budinski's Webinar for Serbian Teachers
Science Holidays at JKU
Eva Ulbrich, Julia Handl

Workshop with Asian Teachers
About 50 teachers from Southeast Asia, mainly Indonesia but also neighbouring countries such as Laos, the Philippines, or Thailand, participated in an online Workshop about the Logifaces game and ways to use the game in a distance learning environment.
Eva Ulbrich, Julia Handl, Daniel Lakos, Zsolt Lavicza, Imam Fitri Rahmadi
Discovering Architecture for Mathematics Learning through Digital Fabrication and GeoGebra
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics 12/2020
Kristof Fenyvesi, Kyeongsik Choi, Natalija Budinski, Shereen El Bedewy, Eva Ulbrich, Julia Handl, Zsolt Lavicza

​Keynote talk at Early Childhood Conference
Kristóf Fenyvesi of Experience workshop
Presentation Topic:
Playful Learning in Finnish Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical activities and care integrating language, art, mathematical and motor activities
​Logifaces has been featured on LogiQa summer camp - click here to watch
Logifaces meets Medvematek STEM workshop - Click to watch!
Renate cannot wait to get the triangle - click to watch!

Logifaces STEAM Education Toolkit
Playful Development of Mathematical Thinking
Skills with Logifaces at the LUMAT Symposium
#logifaces #lumat
The Erasmus+ kick off meeting in Lauder school, Budapest
An awesome meeting opens new perspectives on STEAM education

Natalija has just been awarded for her work on Logifaces
"Analogue game for digital minds" recognized at #Daniinteligencije and #mensaSrbije
competition and awarded
Thanks to Tanja Olear Gojić és Mirjana Tišma,
Logifaces wooden version
​We have just launched the kid-safe wooden version of the Logifaces game. A perfect choice for parents who want to spend more time actually playing with their kids - away from screens!

3D adventure
Introducing the Logifaces interactive furniture! Combining the Logifaces game experience with the benefits of modular furnishing, it's a great way to play around or just to take a seat. The pieces are made of durable lightweight plastic foam core, so it can be used both indoors and outdoors.
Logifaces 2.0 Wooden Version
​We have just tested the wooden PROTOTYPE of the Logifaces game and it WORKED. Building with blocks is the basis of creativity, imagination, problem solving, cause and effect and so much more and just endless FUN!