We love to teach.
The Logifaces game is an excellent geometric skill development tool. It received the Hungarian Design Award and was the finalist of a game design competition in 2012 juried by Prof. Ernő Rubik, the world-famous inventor of the Magic cube. There are 11 different blocks in the Logifaces game. Each block can be identified by the height of its three vertices. These heights can be 1, 2, or 3 units. The rule of the game is to build a continuous surface using up all blocks without leaving any gaps or breaks between them. Logifaces is one of the first puzzles jumping from the ordinary two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional space. The puzzle is two-dimensional, but the solution is in three-dimension. The tool offers complicated mathematical, geometrical, and scientific problems. There are many applications as an educational tool.

Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships
The aim of our Erasmus + application is to develop an educational methodology that allows the use of Logifaces as a tool in public education.
The main objective of the Analogue game for digital minds – Logifaces methodology project was to create new visual study material for mathematics, science and art education.
The novelty value of Logifaces lies in the three dimensional shift compared to the two dimensional nature of traditional logic puzzle games. Contrary to the majority of traditional and contemporary logic games and school toolkits, Logifaces deals with spatial geometry. Instead of using colours, with different shapes Logifaces focuses on all three dimensions. The end result in the game is a tactile spatial surface highlighting the relationship between basic geometry and complex organic forms. A further important feature of the game from the point of view of STEAM subjects is its artistic value. The nature of light-shadow effects can be studied through the variously sloping blocks. In addition the continuous surface resembles ancient reliefs.
The Logifaces book contains Art, Mathematics, Science and Interdisciplinary exercises. We placed great emphasis on the connection between various subjects and subtopics to accentuate the STEAM nature of the exercises. Each exercise can be found on the GeoGebra website too in pdf format.
The methodology book was created by teachers, artists, theorists and educational professionals. The five partner organisations (from Austria, Finland, Hungary, and Serbia) come from various regions of Europe and operate in different education systems. The different approaches greatly enriched the results; however, the STEAM approach was always a common basis. Here we would like to thank all of them for their hard work and enthusiasm despite the difficulties of the Covid-19 situation.
Our partners:
1. Lauder Javne School, Budapest, Hungary
2. Osnovna Škola "Petro Kuzmjak", Ruski Krstur, Serbia
3. Experience Workshop, Jyväskylä, Finland
4. School of Education, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships 2019-1-HU01-KA201-061272